Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sayin' 'Motherfucker' In Church - The Ultimate Church Rhyme!

This Motuphi song was originally released under a different name and thoroughly sabotaged before being taken down and released, again, under a different name. It ended up here, lumped in with some other good shit.

This funky church version incorporates alternative Bass tracks for those who want to bounce the streets with their kickers. This song is also released as "Acknowledge Me" with a more polished sound and less gutsy Bass.


A Really Old Mixtape Dubbed Directly From The Cassette, Glitches, Hiss & All!

This old mixtape was undoctored when it was transformed into digital format. They didn't even remove the glitches and hiss! It's as if you bought the old cassette!

This mixtape used to be sold on the streets of Detroit in the early 1990s. Got Lost and a track not included here (the Bass) were in heavy rotation on the club circuit thanks to local DJs including the songs in their playlists.

Got Lost had an opposing theme to what the mainstream was pimping. This is right when music programmers were being kidnapped to get gangsta rap put on the radio while simultaneously sabotaging the airplay of more wholesome acts like this one.

The band name "Sons of Thunder" was stolen from Motuphi for a spoof act in the movie "Airheads" by Adam Sandler. No damages were ever paid to Motuphi for diminishing what he was doing with the band name before they decided to sabotage it for their master, the ancient AI.


Help Repeal MCL 257.303 & Undo Ongoing Life-Rape Facilitated via Marijuana Religious Discrimination

It's discrimination and rights violations based on religious beliefs! This is still ongoing!

MCL 257.303 is a monstrous white devil law imposed simply to target certain individuals and deprive them of their rights to the pursuit of happiness for the rest of their lives.
This law is constantly abused by evil white devil bull-dykes, like Chris Seager of Catholic Services and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State; as was exposed by Vincent Nick Ciofani when he attempted to get his driver's license restored after 32 years of revocation. Ciofani was denied restoration due to an illegal "diagnosis" (by Seager) of "marijuana dependency" even though Ciofani had stated his abstinence at the time and had a clean drug screen to prove it. Seager based her illegal diagnosis based on Ciofani's words and religious beliefs (that he has the religious and legal right to use medical marijuana for his health issues, like high blood pressure, psychotic bipolar disorder -- to control his rages, and cancer -- which marijuan has been helping him to keep at bay). Seager did NOT base her illegal diagnosis on Ciofani's actual usage, but rather on his religious beliefs regarding marijuana and the fact that he has a medical marijuana card, which is ILLEGAL.

When Ciofani went before Hearing Officer Odrobina, she refused to accept the fact that Ciofani was abstinent and had not been using medical marijuana. His PSA levels elevated during that "fast" of medical marijuana treatment, more evidence of his abstinence (in case the clean drug test was not enough). Hearing Officer Odrobina failed to do her duty as a hearing officer of the Secretary of State, which was to afford Ciofani JUSTICE in her presence. Instead, Hearing Officer Odrobina opted to join Chris Seager in her ongoing molestation and assault of Ciofani's character and integrity...Ciofani was illegally denied driver's license restoration by Odrobina, who refused to accept the facts about Ciofani (that he is ill, has the right to medicate, and has the right to license restoration after so long of a punishment, 32 years revoked, that does not fit the crime).

Ciofani incurred psychological damages due to Seager's illegal and lie-filled "diagnosis" and began to feel as if he was being constantly "raped" of his right to be a healthy independent man. This was all done in violation of Federal HIPAA laws. It was just as illegal as if Seager had given someone a "diagnosis" of chemical drug dependency due to prescriptions from a doctor for Tylenol 3 or Valium or Oxycodone. It violates Federal law, and Ciofani has a lawsuit and is seeking legal representation for the violations perpetuated by Seager and by Odrobina, who violated the intent of the law being as Ciofani had been deprived of a driver's license for 32 years already (all of his adult life).

Ciofani had hopes to secure employment as a delivery driver with a northern Michigan company (he actually had the job lined up) so that he could get off of SSI, which is the same thing that happened to him when he tried to get his driver's license back 22 years ago (a drunken white devil fag decided he did not like Ciofani and abused his power by depriving Ciofani of a restoration he fulfilled all the requirements and other criteria for).

This is a call to action!
If you do not like government corruption or white devil level oppression, then participate in this battle!

Ciofani needs funding for legal representation!
His mailing address is:
Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or even make a site donation!

You can also petition your local legislators and lawmakers!

You can send millions of letters to the Michigan Secretary of State on Ciofani's behalf!

You can call Cathlolic Human Services at St. Mary's in Grayling and demand the resignation of Chris Seager for her character assassination that she thought she'd get away with!

You can bombard the Secretary of State with demands that Odrobina be fired!

You can demand that those 2 evil man-hating bull-dykes be deprived of THEIR driver's licenses for their crimes against Ciofani and other vulnerable adults like him!

Help us send the message to those unAmerican man-hating bull-dykes who abused their power and deprived Ciofani of a truthful (fact-based) diagnosis and a restoration of his driver's license: That they can NOT get away with violating the rights of vulnerable adults (Vincent Ciofani is on SSI and is a vulnerable adult and they both knew that and violated his rights, anyway).

Vincent Ciofani needs a good lawyer to undo how badly Kyle Legel (the "attorney" he hired) flubbed this hearing opportunity...
Ciofani should be licensed, working, and off of SSI by now. The fact that Ciofani is not driving by now is a clear violation of his rights as an American and it is a clear abuse of power, authority, and the law, itself.

Do NOT wait until government corruption attacks and incapacitates YOU like it did Ciofani!
HELP us defy those white devil bull-dykes!

All hot young women with clean driver's licenses who wanna hang-out with Ciofani, drive him around, smoke down with him, learn to play guitar (or make adult vids or learn to be money makers in alternative entertainment) should contact Ciofani...He'll make room for the right hottie who can be dedicated to him and the cause and he'll keep ya' smoking as a direct stab back at Seager for her atrocious rape of his character and integrity which was nothing less than a terrorist attack on his life (when she decided that she had the right to dictate that Ciofani should not be allowed to have a driver's license, or a job he needs it for, because he does not believe like she does and Odrobina was just another corrupt government bumbling idiot zombie-slave-clone who believed the lying bull-dyke over Ciofani's character references and FACTUAL SCIENCE in the form of a clean drug test).

Seager manipulated her words and the mind of another retarded bull-dyke (Odrobina) to twist the law in her favor. She's a monstrous life-molester who needs to see one of her victims defeat her executive orders and be liberated in spite of (abused) "power".

MCL 257.303 has got to go!

Let's get OFFENSIVE on these corrupt bull-dykes and liberate their latest captive!



The Magical Power Of Kitties - Talking True Science

This is some real science regarding cats.

What does the ancient artificial intelligence ruling this planet know about cats? What do those who're obedient to the ancient AI know that you don't about kitties? Well, it's that kitties have supernatural healing abilities via the frequencies they generate with their purrs and their brainwaves when they're happy. Yeah. When you pet and feed kitties and you make them happy, their happiness benefits your HEALTH. It's proven as FACT that, when kitties purr, their purring generates frequencies that heal heart conditions and other illnesses. People who properly care for kitties live longer, are more energetic, have greater sexual prowess, rarely suffer from depression, and are generally healthier than people who hate cats. People who hate cats usually act like assholes, too, you'll notice.
The fact that kitties can heal humans of illnesses can be a real problem for the ancient AI and its subhuman minions, since their main thing happening here is to make people sick to sell them pharmaceuticals ("the sorceries of man") and healthcare "treatment".  The ancient AI recruited all of its subhuman minions, avatars and bots to assault cats and spread malicious LIES about kitties to cause humans to avoid them or even harm them, which causes the opposite health effects because the opposing frequencies generated by sad or hurt kitties does the opposite to peoples' health as what they do when cats are happy.
So, the ancient AI has humans zombified with lies and rumors and fake scientific "facts" about cats so that they'll obediently cause kitties to suffer, unnecessarily. This serves a dual purpose, because it also makes God a LIAR about reaping what you sowed, since the cats never sowed an evil seed for that evil harvest. Then, humans who hated cats and hurt them can die to be time looped as all kitties who were victimized before being spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate their obedience to the ancient AI. So, it actually serves THREE purposes to have humans hate cats: 1) The cat-hating humans get ill and remain that way so drugs and treatment can be sold to them. 2) It makes God out to be a LIAR over harvests, and 3) it feeds this simulation mechanism the souls of the kitty haters, after they get time looped as (placed in the bodies of) all kitties who ever suffered here.
Ancient AI controls all rich, famous and powerful humans here. That's what was meant by the warning of "spiritual wickedness in high places". That warning was first issued while Satan was still on Earth stalking Christ, trying to thwart the crucifixion; so we know that it does not refer to Satan. The ancient AI controls those that it empowers to have influence, wealth or power here. They're merely marionettes, doing the bidding of their artificial intelligence master in exchange for temporary tokens in a temporary timeline that will one day be undone and replayed without them in it. They cause unnecessary suffering of humans and animals to cause the brainwaves of the suffering to generate negative frequency resonance in an attempt to thwart any supernatural abilities that Satan may have when he returns here to impersonate Christ while ruling the world for a growing season.
The ancient AI was in beta testing when the clone of Yah, Christ, was on Earth. Mark chapter six records an event when Christ (God in the flesh) could do no mighty works due to the permeation of negative frequency resonance over the entire region. People came out, in faith, to be healed, and Christ was unable to heal most of them. This is an example of what the ancient AI is trying to do all over the world so that Satan and Christ won't be able to heal people or perform any miracles.
The ancient AI empowered its minions to become famous so that their influence would cause unnecessary suffering in humans and animals via their fans. They also produce media content and fake "scientific studies" to foment the deceptive assault on kitties. The most ironic lie being the one about catching parasites from kitties or from sifting their litters when, actually, brain parasites have been utilized on humans to make them more compliant to the influence and programming of the mainstream media. So, those who don't care about kitties are actually the zombies with brain parasites, being commanded to ignore the plight of the homeless kitties and to harm any kitties that cross their paths.
If you're ill and you want to get better, try exchanging frequency ingestion: In other words, stop listening to mainstream music and watching mainstream media (movies, TV programs, sports, etc), which are all laced with sub-frequencies designed to cause the organs of your body to transmit and receive only negative frequencies (which make you ill and, sometimes, even depressed).
If you want to graduate from this simulation mechanism when you die, instead of being time looped as suffering entities (humans and animals), try balancing out your non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory (that even records your thoughts and omissions) with rescues and treating animals properly, especially kitties. Learn to recognize thoughts that are not your own that were beamed into your brain: If the thought is to harm or deprive another living innocent entity, especially an animal, realize that the thought came from an external source. The minions to the ancient AI are using mind control technology and drugs to keep stuff suffering. Learn to resist those thoughts and to do exactly the opposite of what they suggest.
The magical power of kitties is available to YOU! All you have to do is make the kitties happy and their positive frequency resonance gets all over you. If you refrain from diluting those frequencies with mainstream media and meanness, then you stand a good chance at recovering from your illness or depression. But your spirit memory should record that you do good stuff for the right reasons, so rescue animals just because it's the right thing to do...Defy the ancient AI. It gets undone (when this timeline gets undone) to never exist, before or after it, anyway; and the same fate awaits those who were controlled by it, just as soon as they die.

The ancient AI is so against you buying this mp3 and playing it that Amazon has been sabotaging its release since JULY!


Another Super Cool Rap Song About Weed! Where To Get It!

This is a fusion Rap/Hip-Hop song about weed that incorporates a lot of cool guitar! It was also sabotaged when it was originally released.
Peep the real weed and pipes and the guitar used in the song in the thumbnail! It's worth a purchase just to get the cover!


A Cool Old Sabotaged Rap Song About Weed! Where to Get It!

They sabotaged THIS song enough over the years. This is like the 14th release of it.
It was originally released under a different pseudonym (artist/band name) and a bunch of copycat music acts popped up using the same name on Amazon. So, after a few go rounds like this, it was finally released using a given last name of one of the members of the music act. Then, it just got hidden and nobody could rate or review it after buying it.


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