Thursday, February 15, 2018

Big $ Holla’s Cool Cool Kitty Too LEWD For Amazon! Music Sabotage

This is for real still happening! Sabotage! White devilism!
For real, Amazon has been sabotaging this song, as if it’s too lewd for them to sell to the public, since JULY 2017! This song was supposed to be available to us! But they’re deranged tyrannical white trash DEVILS at Amazon and they show it by this ongoing campaign to sabotage the content coming to us from other timelines and almost all of Motuphi’s shit, no matter if it’s books or mp3s. Now, you should rebel against this shit, right here. They don’t want to sell you Cool Cool Kitty by Big Dolla Holla so you should buy it, ANYWAY, from their competitors to make it climb the Billboard charts so that Amazon white devils gotsta EAT it that they lost out on all them profits as a reward for their sabotage and targeting and hatred of all things existent.
BUY this shit, for real! Let’s drop some rich white devils down a few notches for this latest assault on the street.



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