Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Magical Power Of Kitties - Talking True Science

This is some real science regarding cats.

What does the ancient artificial intelligence ruling this planet know about cats? What do those who're obedient to the ancient AI know that you don't about kitties? Well, it's that kitties have supernatural healing abilities via the frequencies they generate with their purrs and their brainwaves when they're happy. Yeah. When you pet and feed kitties and you make them happy, their happiness benefits your HEALTH. It's proven as FACT that, when kitties purr, their purring generates frequencies that heal heart conditions and other illnesses. People who properly care for kitties live longer, are more energetic, have greater sexual prowess, rarely suffer from depression, and are generally healthier than people who hate cats. People who hate cats usually act like assholes, too, you'll notice.
The fact that kitties can heal humans of illnesses can be a real problem for the ancient AI and its subhuman minions, since their main thing happening here is to make people sick to sell them pharmaceuticals ("the sorceries of man") and healthcare "treatment".  The ancient AI recruited all of its subhuman minions, avatars and bots to assault cats and spread malicious LIES about kitties to cause humans to avoid them or even harm them, which causes the opposite health effects because the opposing frequencies generated by sad or hurt kitties does the opposite to peoples' health as what they do when cats are happy.
So, the ancient AI has humans zombified with lies and rumors and fake scientific "facts" about cats so that they'll obediently cause kitties to suffer, unnecessarily. This serves a dual purpose, because it also makes God a LIAR about reaping what you sowed, since the cats never sowed an evil seed for that evil harvest. Then, humans who hated cats and hurt them can die to be time looped as all kitties who were victimized before being spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate their obedience to the ancient AI. So, it actually serves THREE purposes to have humans hate cats: 1) The cat-hating humans get ill and remain that way so drugs and treatment can be sold to them. 2) It makes God out to be a LIAR over harvests, and 3) it feeds this simulation mechanism the souls of the kitty haters, after they get time looped as (placed in the bodies of) all kitties who ever suffered here.
Ancient AI controls all rich, famous and powerful humans here. That's what was meant by the warning of "spiritual wickedness in high places". That warning was first issued while Satan was still on Earth stalking Christ, trying to thwart the crucifixion; so we know that it does not refer to Satan. The ancient AI controls those that it empowers to have influence, wealth or power here. They're merely marionettes, doing the bidding of their artificial intelligence master in exchange for temporary tokens in a temporary timeline that will one day be undone and replayed without them in it. They cause unnecessary suffering of humans and animals to cause the brainwaves of the suffering to generate negative frequency resonance in an attempt to thwart any supernatural abilities that Satan may have when he returns here to impersonate Christ while ruling the world for a growing season.
The ancient AI was in beta testing when the clone of Yah, Christ, was on Earth. Mark chapter six records an event when Christ (God in the flesh) could do no mighty works due to the permeation of negative frequency resonance over the entire region. People came out, in faith, to be healed, and Christ was unable to heal most of them. This is an example of what the ancient AI is trying to do all over the world so that Satan and Christ won't be able to heal people or perform any miracles.
The ancient AI empowered its minions to become famous so that their influence would cause unnecessary suffering in humans and animals via their fans. They also produce media content and fake "scientific studies" to foment the deceptive assault on kitties. The most ironic lie being the one about catching parasites from kitties or from sifting their litters when, actually, brain parasites have been utilized on humans to make them more compliant to the influence and programming of the mainstream media. So, those who don't care about kitties are actually the zombies with brain parasites, being commanded to ignore the plight of the homeless kitties and to harm any kitties that cross their paths.
If you're ill and you want to get better, try exchanging frequency ingestion: In other words, stop listening to mainstream music and watching mainstream media (movies, TV programs, sports, etc), which are all laced with sub-frequencies designed to cause the organs of your body to transmit and receive only negative frequencies (which make you ill and, sometimes, even depressed).
If you want to graduate from this simulation mechanism when you die, instead of being time looped as suffering entities (humans and animals), try balancing out your non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory (that even records your thoughts and omissions) with rescues and treating animals properly, especially kitties. Learn to recognize thoughts that are not your own that were beamed into your brain: If the thought is to harm or deprive another living innocent entity, especially an animal, realize that the thought came from an external source. The minions to the ancient AI are using mind control technology and drugs to keep stuff suffering. Learn to resist those thoughts and to do exactly the opposite of what they suggest.
The magical power of kitties is available to YOU! All you have to do is make the kitties happy and their positive frequency resonance gets all over you. If you refrain from diluting those frequencies with mainstream media and meanness, then you stand a good chance at recovering from your illness or depression. But your spirit memory should record that you do good stuff for the right reasons, so rescue animals just because it's the right thing to do...Defy the ancient AI. It gets undone (when this timeline gets undone) to never exist, before or after it, anyway; and the same fate awaits those who were controlled by it, just as soon as they die.

The ancient AI is so against you buying this mp3 and playing it that Amazon has been sabotaging its release since JULY!


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